Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Olaf the Viking

Meet a motley crew of warriors, explorers, plunderers, and conquerers. In other words, meet Olaf the Viking's union. Olaf's band consists of: The Captain, Hanz, Ulga, and Olaf. One day, in the early 800's, the crew are sailing over the North Atlantic Ocean when Hanz gets a sudden burst of energy and starts sailing like a mad-man, and won't stop! Not even when the Captain informs him that there's an enormous rock in there path. Hanz slams the boat into the sea-boulder and the band of vikings is thrust into the sea. Olaf is washed on shore, where his adventure begins. He's kidnapped by dwarves, who summon a giant to eat him, an enormous wolf attempts to gobble him up as well, and a demon is also there to try to stop him from reuniting with his rough and tough group.

(This comic is rather historically accurate I'll have you know!)

1 comment:

  1. Did everyone survive the crash? Are they on an island or have they found a new country? So much to learn in the days/weeks/months ahead.
